


  《床头灯英语·3000词读物(纯英文):爱丽丝漫游奇境记》:  Neither did Alice think it very remarkable to hear the Rabbit say to himself as he sped past, “Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date.”  Thinking about it afterwards, it did occur to her that she ought to have wondered about hearing a White Rabbit saying he was late for a date, but at the time, it all seemed quite natural and didn’t occur to her in the least.  But then the Rabbit took a small gold watch out of his coat pocket, looked at the time, and hurried on. Seeing this, Alice jumped to her feet in a flash, for she suddenly realized she had never before seen a rabbit with either a coat pocket or a gold watch to take out of it.  Burning with curiosity, she ran away from the riverbank and across the field to chase after him. She caught up just in time to see the Rabbit jump down a large rabbit hole that was under a low-hanging bush.  Without stopping to think, Alice jumped in the hole after him. She didn’t even stop to consider where the hole might go or how in the world she would or if she could, get out of it again.  The dark rabbit hole went straight ahead like a tunnel, the way that rabbit holes do, for quite a while. Then the tunnel suddenly dropped straight down into a deep well. Alice, without any time to even think about stopping herself, fell down and further down the well.  It could have been that the well was very deep or that Alice fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time during her fall to not only look at her surroundings, lout also wonder what was going to happen to her next.  At first, Alice tried to look down and make out the bottom of the well and when she was going to stop falling. But it was too dark to see anything. So she looked up, but it was just as dark and then she got confused about whether she was looking up or down, so she decided to look at the sides of the well. Alice noticed that cupboards and bookshelves filled the sides and that here and there maps.  ……




  在英语世界,人们公认牛津才子刘易斯撰写的《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》是一本脍炙人口、有趣、充满想象与幻想的儿童故事书,它饱含谜语,密布难题,频出奇幻,不仅仅娱乐了读者的眼睛,更挑战了他们的心灵。对成人而言,它因充满悖论、矛盾和戏仿而变化多端,丰富多彩,趣味无穷。它不仅预示了20世纪文学的发展倾向,在《尤利西斯》《变形记》《荒原》《洛丽塔》等众多思想大家们的作品中均能见其原模与痕迹,而且预告了弗洛伊德时代的到来。  小女孩爱丽丝和姐姐在户外看书,因为书中没有插图和对话,她感到无聊而睡着了。在梦中,她追逐一只穿着背心、会看怀表的兔子,突然掉进了兔子洞——一个奇异的世界。她忽大忽小,掉进了自己眼泪形成的池塘。她遇到了会说话的老鼠、乌儿、毛毛虫,以及爱说教的公爵夫人、神秘莫测的柴郡猫、神话中的鹰首狮身怪、假海龟、总是叫喊着要砍别人头的扑克牌女王、一群扑克牌士兵。她还莫名其妙地参加了庆祝“非生日”的疯狂茶会和一场古怪的审判,直到与女王发生冲突才醒来,发现自己依然躺在河边,姐姐正轻轻地拂去落在她脸上的几片树叶——也许梦里的扑克牌女王和士兵就是那几片叶子。



Chapter 1 Falling Through the Rabbit HoleChapter 2 Alice Cries a Lake of TearsChapter 3 A Party Race and a Long StoryChapter 4 The Rabbit Decides to Send in a Little Bill for HelpChapter 5 The Caterpillar Gives Some AdviceChapter 6 A Strange Baby and Some PepperChapter 7 A Mad Tea PartyChapter 8 Back to the StartChapter 9 A Game of Croquet for the QueenChapter 10 Speaking to the DuchessChapter 11 The Story of the Mock TurtleChapter 12 The Thief of TartsChapter 13 Alice as a Witness










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