






本书主要内容为国际贸易, 辅以基本的经济理论。其中包括相关企业法规英文简介、国际贸易相关法规简介、中国公司法简介等。除此之外, 还以E—commerce (or E—business) 形式为主的新经济简介以及号称中国“新四大发明”的online payment (Ali Payment支付宝或微信支付) 以及个性化服务发展趋势的介绍。本书还介绍了企业的组建及企业的产权形式, 市场营销与供求关系基本规律等。



Unit 1 Supply, Demand and Price1.1 Consumer Choice and the Law of Demand1.2 Changes in Demand versus Changes in Quantity Demanded1.3 Producer Choice and the Law of Supply1.4 Changes in Supply versus Changes in Quantity Supplied1.5 How Market Prices Are Determined: Supply and Demand Interact1.6 Invisible Hand Principle1.7 The Economics of Price ControlsExercisesSupplementary ReadingsUnit 2 International Trade:Theory and Policy2.1 Explaining Trade: International Trade Theories2.2 Arguments for Trade Restrictions2.3 Trade BarriersExercisesSupplementary ReadingsUnit 3 Letter of Credit3.1 Overview of LC3.2 Parties and Terminology Concerning LC3.3 Types of Letters of Credit3.4 International Trade Payment3.5 Requested Documents for Presentation3.6 Risk Situations of Letter of Credit3.7 Legal Principles3.8 The Flow Chart of Letter of Credit3.9 Bill of ExchangeDraftExercisesSupplementary ReadingsUnit 4 Exchange Rate, Foreign Exchange Market, and Balance of Payments4.1 Exchange Rate and Foreign Exchange Market4.2 The Exchange Rate Regimes in the International Financial System4.3 The Balance of PaymentsExercisesSupplementary ReadingsUnit 5 Types of Enterprises and Entrepreneurship5.1 Proprietorship5.2 Partnership5.3 Company5.4 EntrepreneurshipExercisesSupplementary ReadingsUnit 6 Management6.1 Definitions of Management6.2 Areas Covered by Management6.3 Business Management6.4 Management Levels6.5 Managerial Roles and Skills6.6 Motivating Employees6.7 Human Resource Management6.8 Performance AppraisalExercisesUnit 7 Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility7.1 Definitions of Marketing7.2 Significant Steps in Marketing7.3 Essential Understanding of Customers’ Needs and Wants7.4 Marketing Orientations7.5 The Marketing Mix (the 4 Ps)7.6 Marketing Environment7.7 Marketing Research7.8 Marketing Communication7.9 Product Life-Cycle Management7.10 Customer Focus7.11 Product Focus7.12 Corporate Social ResponsibilityExercisesSupplementary ReadingsUnit 8 Finance8.1 Money8.2 Financial System8.3 Financial Markets8.4 Financial Intermediaries8.5 Regulation of the Financial SystemExercisesSupplementary ReadingsUnit 9 Corporate Law9.1 Definition9.2 Overview of Corporations9.3 History of the Corporation9.4 Corporate Structure and Corporate Forms9.5 Corporate Legal Personality9.6 Capacity and Powers9.7 Corporate Governance9.8 Corporate Constitution9.9 Balance of Power9.10 Board of Directors and Directors’ Duties9.11 Company Law Theory9.12 Corporate Finance9.13 Matters Effecting the Continuation of the Corporate FormExercisesSupplementary ReadingsUnit 10 Digital Economy10.1 Definition of Digital Economy10.2 Impact10.3 Electronic Commerce(EC)10.4 Mobile Commerce: Attributes, Benefits, and DriversExercisesSupplementary ReadingsUnit 11 Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Integration11.1 Why Foreign Direct Investment?11.2 Economic IntegrationExercisesSupplementary ReadingsGlossaryBibliography










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