西尔斯当代大学物理 下册 英文改编版



《西尔斯当代大学物理(下册?英文改编版)(原书第11版)》既充分体现了原书的特色,又在适合我国国情方面有了新的特点,主要表现在:对原书取舍得当,篇幅适当,教材内容覆盖了教育部*教学基本要求建议的75个A类知识点和部分B类知识点;教材95%以上是原书的文字,体现了原书教学理念的精华,整个教材体系具有更好的系统性和完整性;内容生动、丰富,图文并茂,举例鲜活,趣味性强,联系实际密切,强调概念理解,注重能力培养;每章的问题引入法、正文探索式的叙述法以及每节的思考题检测法等多种教学方法并用,将有效调动学生学习的积极性,提高学生学习的效能;所有例题都采用四步解题法:审题(Identify)、破题(Set up)、求解(Excute)和讨论(EvaIuate),这种规范、科学的解题方式十分有利于学生形成思维清晰、表述准确、方法明确的解题习惯,并能逐步获得较强的解决实际问题的能力;英语行文规范、流畅,原汁原味,代表了当前科技英语文献的风格,是我国学生学习英文科技写作的极好范本。 本英文改编教材的原书——《西尔斯物理学》是几代编著者长达半个多世纪物理教育探索与创新的产物,其许多可圈可点的特色在美国乃至世界其他国家,影响了一代又一代的大学师生,是当今世界发行量*的主流教材之一。
《西尔斯当代大学物理(下册?英文改编版)(原书第11版)》既充分体现了原书的特色,又在适合我国国情方面有了新的特点,主要表现在:对原书取舍得当,篇幅适当,教材内容覆盖了教育部*教学基本要求建议的75个A类知识点和部分B类知识点;教材95%以上是原书的文字,体现了原书教学理念的精华,整个教材体系具有更好的系统性和完整性;内容生动、丰富,图文并茂,举例鲜活,趣味性强,联系实际密切,强调概念理解,注重能力培养;每章的问题引入法、正文探索式的叙述法以及每节的思考题检测法等多种教学方法并用,将有效调动学生学习的积极性,提高学生学习的效能;所有例题都采用四步解题法:审题(Identify)、破题(Set up)、求解(Excute)和讨论(EvaIuate),这种规范、科学的解题方式十分有利于学生形成思维清晰、表述准确、方法明确的解题习惯,并能逐步获得较强的解决实际问题的能力;英语行文规范、流畅,原汁原味,代表了当前科技英语文献的风格,是我国学生学习英文科技写作的极好范本。



Preface19 MAGNETIC FIELD AND MAGNETlC FORCES19.1 Magnetism19.2 Magnetic Field19.3 M agnetic Field Lines and Magnetic Flux 19.4 Motion of Charged Particles in a Magnetic Field19.5 Applications of Motion of Charged Particles 19.6 Magnetic Force Oll a Current-Carrying Conductor19.7 Force and Torque on a Current Loop19.8 The Hall EffectAnswer to Chapter Opening Question Answers to Test Your Understanding QuestionsExercises 20 SOURCES OF MAGNETlC FIELD20.1 Magnetic Field of a Moving Charge20.2 Magnetic Field of a Current Element 20.3 Magnetic Field of a Straight Current-Carrying Conductor20.4 Force Between Parallel Conductors 20.5 Magnetic Field of a Circular Current Loop 20.6 Ampere’S Law20.7 Applications of Ampere’S Law20.8 Magnetic MaterialsAnswer to Chapter Opening Que’stion Answers to Test Your Understanding QuestionsExercises 21 ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTlON21.1 Induction Experiments21.2 Faraday’S Law21.3 Lenz’S Law 21.4 Motional Electronmotive Force 21.5 Induced Electric Fields 21.6 Eddy Currents21.7 Displacement Current and Maxwell’S Equations21.8 SuperconductivityAnswer to Chapter Opening Question Answers to Test your Understanding QuestionsExercises 22 INDUCTANCE22.1 Mutual Inductance22.2 Self.Inductance and Inductors 22.3 Magnetic—Field Energy22.4 The R—L Circuit22.5 The L—C Circuit22.6 The L—R—C Series Circuit Answer to Chapter Opening QuestionAnswers to Test Your UnderstandingQuestionsExercises23 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES23.1 Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 23.2 Plane Electromagnetic Waves and the Speed of Light23.3 Sinusoidal Electromagnetic Waves23.4 Energy and Momentum in Electromagnetic Waves23.5 The Electromagnetic SpectrumAnswer to Chapter Opening QuestionAnswers to Test Your UnderstandingQuestionsExercises24 THE NATURE AND PROPAGATION OF LIGHT24.1 The Nature of Light24.2 Reflection and Refraction24.3 Polarization24.4 Huwens’PrincioleAnswer to Chapter Opening QuestionAnswers to Test Your UnderstandingQuestionsExercises25 INTERFERENCE25.1 Interference and Coherent Sources25.2 Two-Source Interference of Light25.3 Intensity in Interference Patterns25.4 Interference in Thin Films25.5 The Michelson InterferometerAnswer to Chapter Opening QuestionAnswers to Test Your UnderstandingQuestionsExercises26 DIFFRACTION26.1 Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction26.2 Diffraction from a Single Slit26.3 Intensity in the Single-Slit Pattern26.4 Multiple Slits26.5 The Diffraction Grating26.6 X-Ray Diffraction26.7 Circular Apertures and Resolving PowerAnswer to Chapter Opening QuestionAnswers to Test Your UnderstandingQuestionsExercises27 RELATIVITY27.1 Invariance of Physical Laws27.2 Relativity of Simultaneity27.3 Relativity of Time Intervals27.4 Relativity of Length27.5 The Lorentz Transformations27.6 Relativistic Momentum27.7 Relativistic Work and Energy27.8 Newtonian Mechanics andRelativityAnswer to Chapter Opening QuestionAnswers to Test Your UnderstandingQuestionsExercises 28 PHOTONS, ELECTRONS AND ATOMS28.1 Emission and Absorption of Light28.2 The Photoelectric Effect28.3 Atomic Line Spectra and Energy Levels28.4 The Nuclear Atom28.5 The Bohr Model28.6 The Laser28.7 X-Ray Production and Scattering28.8 Continuous Spectra28.9 Wave-Particle DualityAnswer to Chapter Opening QuestionAnswers to Test Your Understanding QuestionsExercises29 THE WAVE NATURE OF PARTICLES29. 1 De Broglie Waves29.2 Electron Diffraction29.3 Probability and Uncertainty29.4 The Electron Microscope29.5 Wave Functions and the Schrdinger EquationAnswer to Chapter Opening QuestionAnswers to Test Your UnderstandingQuestionsExercises30 QUANTUM MECHANICS AND ATOMIC STRUCTURE30.1 Particle in a Box30.2 Potential Wells30.3 Potential Barriers and Tunneling30.4 The Harmonic Oscillator30.5 Three-Dimensional Problems 30.6 The Hydrogen Atom30.7 Electron Spin30.8 Many-Electron Atoms and the Exclusion PrincipleAnswer to Chapter Opening QuestionAnswers to Test Your UnderstandingQuestionsExercises APPENDICESAPPENDIX A The International System of UnitsAPPENDIX B Useful Mathematical RelationsAPPENDIX C The Greek Alphabet APPENDIX D Periodic Table of the ElementsAPPENDIX E Unit Conversion Factors APPENDIX F Numerical ConstantsAPPENDIX G Answers to Exercises教学支持信息表(填写本表,获取本书教辅资源)


西尔斯当代大学物理 下册 英文改编版

书名:西尔斯当代大学物理 下册 英文改编版







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