


scala这种jvm语言通过新式对象模型、函数式编 程和高级类型系统带来的优势提升了语言的运行效率 。这本综合性的书籍——万普勒、佩恩编*的 《scala编程(第2版影印版)(英文版)》包含了大量的 程序代码示例,向你展示如何在开发中利用语言和生 态系统而立刻变得*具有效率,同时解释了对于当今 支持并发和分布式的高度可扩展的、以数据为中心的 应用程序而言,scala为什么是一个理想选择。
  第2版包含了*新的语言特性,加人了关于模式 匹配、推导和高级函数式编程的新章节。同时你也可 以学习到scala的命令行工具、第三方工具、库、面 向编辑器和集成开发环境的语言感知插件。这本书是 初级和高级scala开发人员的理想选择。
  这本***的数据科学书籍中的示例代码在一 个公共的github库中得到维护。采用turnkey linux 虚拟机可以很容易地访问代码,这有利于基于 ipython notebooks易用集合的交互式学习



forewordpreface1. zero to sixty: introducing scala why scala? the seductions of scala what about java 8? installing scala using sbt running the scala command-line tools running the scala repl in ides a taste of scala a taste of concurrency recap and what’s next2. type less, do more semicolons variable declarations ranges partial functions method declarations method default and named arguments methods with multiple argument lists a taste of futures nesting method definitions and recursion inferring type information reserved words literal values integer literals floating-point literals boolean literals character literals string literals symbol literals function literals tuple literals option, some, and none: avoiding nulls sealed class hierarchies organizing code in files and namespaces importing types and their members imports are relative package objects abstract types versus parameterized types recap and what’s next3. rounding 0ut the basics operator overloading? syntactic sugar methods with empty argument lists precedence rules domain-specific languages scala if statements scala for comprehensions for loops generator expressions guards: filtering values yielding expanded scope and value definitions other looping constructs scala while loops scala do-while loops conditional operators using try, catch, and finally clauses call by name, call by value lazy val enumerations interpolated strings traits: interfaces and “mixins” in scala recap and what’s next4. pattern matching5. implicits6. functional programming in scala7. for comprehensions in depth8. object-oriented programming in scala9. traits10. the scala object system, part ⅰ11. the scala object system, part ⅱ.12. the scala collections library13. visibility rules14. scala’s type system, part ⅰ15. scala’s type system, part ⅱ16. advanced functional programming17. tools for concurrency18. scala for big data19. dynamic invocation in scala.20. domain-specific languages in scala21. scala tools and libraries.22. java interoperability.23. application design24. metaprogramming: macros and reflection.a. referencesindex










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